At Pendo, we believe everyone has a unique situation that requires considerable thought before making any decisions. Our approach is to first listen, ask pertinent questions and review your current retirement plan. Then we employ state-of-the-art software to prepare a customized Financial Inventory Report that shows you where you’re at today and a customized Retirement Strategy Plan designed to get you where you want to be.
How we add value is based on the “three pillars” system of ancient Greek architecture that uses three distinct styles of columns, or pillars, each with a specific function to provide solid support to a building. If you think of your financial plan as the building, it will only stand on its own with the proper support. The three pillars that Pendo uses to support and build your customized financial plan are:
At Pendo, we seek to understand your income needs now and in the future so that we can identify the best possible solutions to help ensure you have the financial means to live the rest of your life the way you want to live it.
At Pendo, once we’ve built a solid foundation for your future income needs, we help ensure your loved ones and favorite causes receive the maximum value of any funds you intend to leave behind. We utilize a strategy that protects your legacy from being diminished by taxes.
At Pendo, we evaluate our clients’ financial plan from a tax perspective to ensure their assets are positioned appropriately. Clients are often surprised when we explain to them the amount of unnecessary taxes they are paying simply by using a financial assets to their tax disadvantage. With a simple restructuring of their plans, we have saved clients thousands, hundreds of thousands, and even millions in taxes.